These are species that were predicted to breed in the hex or square,
based on habitat and geographic range,
but they were not found. The list specifies Hexagon to indicate
the species was predicted to occur in the hexagon and Square
to indicate it was predicted to occur in the square.
- Turkey Vulture (Square)
- Osprey (Hexagon) (Square)
- Bald Eagle (Hexagon) (Square)
- Sharp-shinned Hawk (Hexagon) (Square)
- Cooper's Hawk (Hexagon) (Square)
- Northern Goshawk (Hexagon) (Square)
- Golden Eagle (Hexagon) (Square)
- American Kestrel (Square)
- Peregrine Falcon (Hexagon) (Square)
- Prairie Falcon (Hexagon) (Square)
- Blue Grouse (Hexagon) (Square)
- Ruffed Grouse (Square)
- Wild Turkey (Hexagon) (Square)
- California Quail (Square)
- Mountain Quail (Square)
- Mourning Dove (Square)
- Flammulated Owl (Square)
- Western Screech-Owl (Hexagon) (Square)
- Great Horned Owl (Square)
- Northern Pygmy-Owl (Square)
- Barred Owl (Hexagon) (Square)
- Great Gray Owl (Hexagon) (Square)
- Long-eared Owl (Hexagon) (Square)
- Northern Saw-whet Owl (Square)
- Common Nighthawk (Square)
- Common Poorwill (Hexagon) (Square)
- Vaux's Swift (Square)
- White-throated Swift (Hexagon) (Square)
- Black-chinned Hummingbird (Hexagon) (Square)
- Calliope Hummingbird (Square)
- Rufous Hummingbird (Hexagon) (Square)
- Lewis's Woodpecker (Hexagon) (Square)
- Williamson's Sapsucker (Square)
- Red-naped Sapsucker (Square)
- Downy Woodpecker (Square)
- Hairy Woodpecker (Square)
- White-headed Woodpecker (Square)
- Olive-sided Flycatcher (Hexagon) (Square)
- Western Wood-Pewee (Square)
- Willow Flycatcher (Square)
- Hammond's Flycatcher (Square)
- Gray Flycatcher (Square)
- Say's Phoebe (Square)
- Ash-throated Flycatcher (Square)
- Western Kingbird (Square)
- Black-capped Chickadee (Hexagon) (Square)
- Bushtit (Hexagon) (Square)
- Pygmy Nuthatch (Square)
- Brown Creeper (Square)
- Winter Wren (Hexagon) (Square)
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Square)
- Mountain Bluebird (Square)
- Swainson's Thrush (Hexagon) (Square)
- Varied Thrush (Hexagon) (Square)
- Cedar Waxwing (Square)
- European Starling (Square)
- Warbling Vireo (Hexagon) (Square)
- Orange-crowned Warbler (Square)
- Yellow Warbler (Square)
- Black-throated Gray Warbler (Hexagon) (Square)
- Wilson's Warbler (Hexagon) (Square)
- Black-headed Grosbeak (Square)
- Lazuli Bunting (Square)
- Green-tailed Towhee (Hexagon) (Square)
- Fox Sparrow (Hexagon) (Square)
- Song Sparrow (Square)
- White-crowned Sparrow (Square)
- Brewer's Blackbird (Square)
- Brown-headed Cowbird (Square)
- House Finch (Square)
- Pine Siskin (Square)
- Evening Grosbeak (Square)